Monday, February 29, 2016

Page Two Million

Fort Myers Postmaster Leroy Middleton, Jr. (left) and Page Field Manager, Customer Services Kathy Jungferman (right) presented Letter Carrier Raymond Knipple (center) with the National Safety Council’s prestigious Million Mile Safe Driver Award for driving over 30 years without a preventable accident. Knipple also received his 30-year Service Award and pin.

Fort Myers Postmaster Leroy Middleton, Jr. (left) and Page Field Manager, Customer Services Kathy Jungferman (right) presented Letter Carrier Joyce Williams (center) with the National Safety Council’s prestigious Million Mile Safe Driver Award for driving over 30 years without a preventable accident.

Fort Myers Postmaster Leroy Middleton, Jr. (left) and Page Field Manager, Customer Services Kathy Jungferman (right) presented letter carrier Sheldon Herron (center) with his 25-year Service Award and pin.

Congratulations, Ray, Joyce and Sheldon!