Seminole Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) Management Team held an Employee Appreciation Cookout. As employees came to work they were welcomed by the festive sign above.
Seminole Plant Manager Mike
Willard (right), A/Manager Inplant Support Hal Beattie (second, right), Manager
Distribution Operations (MDO) Manal Ramadan (back, center) and A/Maintenance Manager Charles Inman (left) cooked burgers and hot dogs for employees.
Manager Willard (left) and MDO Ramadan (right) geared up to serve the appreciative employees.
Contract Technician Keysha
D’antignac (front, left) assisted employees (left to right, at table) Mail
Handler Faber Lozano, A/Transportation and Networks Specialist Frank Gawron, Mail Handler Debbie Yampaglia, Electronic
Technician Mike Whittaker. Everyone enjoyed the special attention and had a
wonderful time.
you, Seminole Employees!