Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pink PD&C

Orlando Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) employees on all tours helped promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Breast Cancer Research stamps.

Manager, Distribution Operations (MDO) Curtis Gregory; Supervisor, Distribution Operations (SDO) Michael Hayes; the P&DC Automation Team and Manual Employees Pay Locations (P/L) 351, 399 and 415 (above).

Orlando P&DC T-3 MDO, SDO and P/L Employees 300,321,351,352,353,399, and 415 (above).

Orlando P&DC Employees P/L 311 and 371 (above).

Orlando Employees P/L 624 (left to right) Marilyn Perez, Jennifer Ward, Supervisor Customer Services Sharon McCollum and Michael Mansour.