Palm Bay West Lead Retail
Associate Anthony Johnson II (back row, left) and Retail Associate Hue Vuong
(center) received their Gold Star Awards from Manager, Customer Services Paul D
Folsom (not pictured) for performing perfect Retail Customer Experience
transactions. Manager Folsom wanted to also thank the support staff: Custodians
Anthony Dozier (left), Jeff Anton (back row, right) and Supervisor, Customer
Services Carmen Robinson. Each employee received a $25 gift card for their
outstanding work.
Palm Bay West employees were
presented Certificates of Accomplishment for using Zero Sick Leave in FY16.
From left to right: Supervisor, Customer Services Carmen Robinson; Rural
Carriers Robert White, Michael Woods, Jose Mantilla, Josh Torres, Randy
Bennewitz and Supervisor, Customer Services Alex Arteaga. Not Pictured: Manager,
Customer Services Paul Folsom and Rural Carriers Hansraj Shwmangal and Patrice
Congratulations, Team Palm
Bay West!