Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tampa P&DC Employee Appreciation Night

The Tampa Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) Tour 1 Maintenance Department held its second Employee Appreciation Night Dinner and Performance Award Ceremony. The awards ceremony began with a round of Postal Service Trivia with prizes for the winners. The ceremony ended with pizzas for the whole crew. Tampa P&DC Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter, Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan Lilly Huynh, and Supervisors Maintenance Operations Desai Abdul-Razzaaq and Jack Bowman facilitated the night‘s events.  

Tampa P&DC Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh (right) and Supervisor Maintenance Operations Desai Abdul-Razzaaq (left) presented Maintenance Operations Support Clerk Hannah Leibowitz (center) with an Appreciation Certificate for her contributions to the successful Program Evaluation Guide (PEG) safety audits.

Tampa P&DC Labor Custodian Timothy Morocco (front) received an Appreciation Certificate for his contributions to the successful PEG safety audits. Pictured back row, left to right: Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh, Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter, and Supervisors Maintenance Operations (SMO) Desai Abdul-Razzaaq and Jack Bowman. Not pictured: SMO Dale Phillips

Tampa PD&C Tour 1 Building Equipment Mechanic Benito Maldonado (front) received an Appreciation Certificate and Spot Incentive Award for Outstanding Performance in FY17, Quarter 2.  Pictured back row, left to right: Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh, Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter, and Supervisors Maintenance Operations (SMO) Desai Abdul-Razzaaq and Jack Bowman. Not pictured: SMO Dale Phillips

Tampa PD&C Tour 1 Maintenance Department Electronic Technicians Norman Alicdan (front) received an Appreciation Certificate and Spot Incentive Award for Outstanding Performance as an Automation Machine Technician for FY17, Quarter2. Pictured back row, left to right: Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh, Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter, and Supervisors Maintenance Operations (SMO) Desai Abdul-Razzaaq and Jack Bowman. Not pictured: SMO Dale Phillips

Tampa PD&C Tour 1 Maintenance Department Electronic Technician Thomas Mundy (center) received an Appreciation Certificate and Spot Incentive Award for Outstanding Performance as a Flat Sorting Machine Technician for FY17, Quarter2.  Joining Mundy, left to right: Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh, Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter, and Supervisors Maintenance Operations (SMO) Desai Abdul-Razzaaq and Jack Bowman. Not pictured: SMO Dale Phillips

Electronic Technician Thomas Mundy (left) received a flashlight from Manager Maintenance Operations Bichngan “Lilly” Huynh (right) for successfully answering a Postal Service trivia question.

Labor Custodian Timothy Morocco (left) received a racket set from Senior Maintenance Manager Joe Beiter (right) for successfully answering a Postal Service trivia question.

Mail Processing Equipment Mechanic Jacqueline Herbert (above) won a headlamp flashlight for successfully answering a Postal Service trivia question.

Congratulations to all!