It was a full day for letter carriers, clerks, managers and
helpful volunteers, who worked the 26th National Association Letter
Carriers (NALC) Food Drive. Pictured
above are, left to right: St.
Petersburg Main Office Manager, Customer Services Dustin Nichols; Letter
Carrier Tanya Colella; Postmaster Jackie Villemaire; and Letter Carrier Alan
Pollard. “St. Petersburg customers made significant donations and our
employees did a great job collecting the food,” stated Villemaire.
Team St. Pete reported receiving food donations from
customers well in advance of the Saturday, May 12th Food
Drive date. Letter
Carrier Nicole Olmstead (above) is
all smiles as she prepares to unload the last tub of donated food from her
Letter Carrier Deena Harrell (above) prepares to hand off another bag of donations.
Letter Carrier Alan Pollard (above) loads another food drive donation
along his route into his vehicle.
Letter Carrier Catherine
Lockhead (above center) hands off food
donations to helpful food drive volunteers.
Letter Carrier Ana Ramos (above) unloads the last tub of donated food from her
At the end of the day on May 12th, St. Petersburg Crossroads Station employees had
a sea of containers full of donated food from customers
and employees.
Great Job, St. Petersburg!