Friday, May 11, 2018

Tampa P&DC Employee Appreciation

Each year Senior Plant Manager Ivonne Gonzalez and her team hold Employee Appreciation Days at the Processing & Distribution Centers in the district to recognize employees for their hard work and dedication.  Tampa P&DC managers and supervisors hosted a cookout and served employees burgers, hot dogs, chips, cookies and soda.

Left to right: Senior Manager Maintenance Joe Beiter, Senior Manager Distribution Operations Dale Black and Acting Supervisor Distribution Operations Darren Smith fired up the grills and cooked burgers and hot dogs for employees.

Left to right: Contract Technician Michele Espinoza and Tour 3 Manager Distribution Operations Yassmin Johnson set up the array of food.

Tour 3 Supervisor Distribution Operations Alexis Bullocks (above) set up the desserts for employees.

Left to right: Senior Manager Transportation and Networks Systems Jose Roman and Senior Manager Distribution Operations Dale Black grilled delicious burgers and hot dogs.

Tampa P&DC employees (above) enjoyed the wonderful feast prepared by management and supervisors during this year’s Employee Appreciation Day.