Monday, July 9, 2018

Kirkland Sarasota’s 17th Postmaster

The Sarasota Sunshine VFW Post #3233 prepares to post the colors at the Selby Library for the Oath of Office ceremony for Sarasota Postmaster Stephen L. Kirkland.

Suncoast District Manager Eric Chavez (center) delivered the Oath of Office to Sarasota Postmaster Stephen L. Kirkland (right) as he placed his hand on the Bible held by his wife Robbie Kirkland (left).
District Manager Eric Chavez (left) introduced Sarasota’s 17th Postmaster Stephen L. Kirkland (second left) and his wife Robbie Kirkland (second right) to the ceremony's attendees.  Ft. Myers Postmaster Leroy Middleton (right) served as the Master of Ceremonies for the Postmaster Installation.

Postmaster Kirkland (third right) was joined by the Sarasota Team after the celebratory occasion.
Congratulations, Stephen on being Sarasota’s 17th Postmaster!