Suncoast District Acting Business Service Representative
(BSN) Georg Anne Gargaliatsis (above) poses by a sign that perfectly sums up Wear
Pink Day. It is a wonderful sentiment to share each day and especially during
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The Customer Retention Team (CRT) is all smiles as they pose
for their “I believe in Pink” group photo (above) to recognize Breast Cancer
Awareness Month.
The Suncoast District Address Management Systems (AMS) Team
(above) donned pink for their team photo to show their support for Breast
Cancer Awareness Month.
The Suncoast District Business Service Network (BSN)
Representatives are happy to wear pink to show their support for the October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pictured
Left to right: Acting BSN Representative
Georg Anne Gargaliatsis and BSN Representatives John Magee, and Latonya Hampton
Great Job!