Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Eileen Is #1 In The Nation


Punta Gorda Retail Associate Eileen Dimase (above) sold $33,192.90 in Breast Cancer Research Semipostal stamps and was #1 in the nation for individual sales during October. Dimase shared that her grandmother, whom she was very close to, passed away from breast cancer and during the past year, two of her coworkers were diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a true passion to support coworkers and friends.  Her mission is to educate her customers and raise awareness about breast cancer. 

 “Eileen is a naturally positive, uplifting, motivating person. She is a hard worker who is dedicated to USPS the Postal Service and her coworkers,” stated Officer In Charge Melissa Kruzel.

Way to support a great cause, Eileen!  Congratulations on your amazing sales!