Orlando Postmaster
Staff and Managers, Customer Services (above) were delighted to learn Orlando
had earned several awards at the Southern Area Leadership Conference. Orlando
was Number 1 in Q3 FY18 for Total All Expense -.99% and Retail Revenue increased
by 7.52%. In Q4 FY18 Orlando was Number 1 in Total Accidents % Difference to
Same Period Last Year (SPLY) -45.16%, Retail Customer Experience (RCE) Overall 97.73%,
Total Accident Rate and RCE Hazmat 100%.
Orlando Postmaster
Diane Tindle (left) honored Manager, Customer Services (MCS) Gerardo Santiago
(right) for serving in the military with a Veterans Certificate and pin.
Orlando Dixie Village
Acting Manager, Customer Services (MCS) Tom Di George (right) received the
Suncoast Orlando Achievement Recognition (SOAR) Award from Postmaster
Tindle (left).
Orlando Postmaster Tindle (center) presented Manager, Customer Services (MCS) Kirk Malcolm (left) with Analytics University Bronze Certification for Delivery Operations and MCS Mike Svizzero with Analytics University Silver Certificate for Delivery Operations.
After the presentations everyone enjoyed a pot luck luncheon and enjoyed a relaxed time together.