Orange employees purchased Save Vanishing Species t-shirts in support of the Save Vanishing Species semipostal stamp that is featured in December. From left:
Retail Associate Stacey Jakovenko; Distribution Clerk Sherri Clore;
Supervisor, Customer Services Cindy Schwab and Retail Associate Carrie
Bon-Fleur are all smiles supporting this great cause.
Left: Port Orange Retail Associate Stacy Payne; Supervisor, Customer Services
Cindy Schwab; Laborer Custodial Ken Parsons and Retail Associate Leslie Kater
share in the commitment to raise awareness to saving vanishing species.
Net proceeds from the sales of the Save Vanishing Species semipostal stamp support
preservation efforts for the African Elephant, Marine Turtle, Great Ape, Tiger,
Asian Elephant, and Rhinoceros and will be transferred to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service to support Multinational Species Conservation Funds.
to go, Port Orange!