Friday, May 17, 2019

Passports For The Bucs

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Football Team is traveling to London, England for a game in the upcoming season.  The team reached out to the Tampa Main Post Office for assistance with obtaining passports.  Left to right: Manager, Customer Service Operations (MSCO) Tim Dose, Ehrlich Retail Associate Yvette Landers and Retail Associate Rod Evans provided excellent service and processed the passports for the Buccaneers.

Retail Associate Rod Evans (left) was all smiles as he processed passport applications for staff members of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (center and right), as well as players and family members. “We appreciate the assistance and the community partnership that we have with the U.S. Postal Service,” stated Buccaneers Director of Football Security Operations Andres Trecastro (not pictured).
Happy travels and best of luck to the Buccaneers!  Thank you for providing great service, Tampa Team!