Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tampa Kicks Off Food Drive

The 27th annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is on Saturday, May 11th. Florida National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) President Al Friedman (above) addresses the crowd gathered for the Tampa Food Drive kick off held at Metropolitan Ministries. “The Letter Carriers’ Food Drive is held each year in May as local pantries experience shelves that are bare.  Kids are getting out of school and with the efforts of the Postal Service, Letter Carriers and Metropolitan Ministries food will be provided to many families who otherwise would not have anything to eat,” stated Friedman.

With food collection bags in hand and prepared for the food drive are, left to right:  Florida NALC President Al Friedman; Tampa Postmaster Richard Fermo; Tampa Letter Carrier Lori McMillion; President & CEO Metropolitan Ministries Tim Marks; Manager, Customer Service Operations (MCSO) Tim Dose; Branch #599 President Tony Diaz; and Tampa Sulphur Springs Manager, Customer Services Jake Logan.

“It is a privilege for us to participate in this annual food drive and to coordinate with the NALC to help out our local communities,” stated MSCO Tim Dose (right).  Pictured left to right:  Sulphur Springs Manager, Customer Services Jake Logan; NALC Branch #599 President Tony Diaz; Letter Carrier Lori McMillion; and Postmaster Richard Fermo.

Clearwater Sunset Point Station Letter Carrier Jorge Blas created the above drawing for Florida NALC President Al Friedman to demonstrate how he hopes the mailboxes on his route look on Saturday May 11th- A bag full of non-perishable food at each mailbox.