Friday, July 19, 2019

Arcadia Appreciation

Arcadia Officer In Charge (OIC) Anne Marie Richardson (left) presented Retail Associate Dottie Hayda (right) with a Perfect Attendance Certificate and a Gold Star Award for earning a perfect score on a Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transaction.

Officer In Charge (OIC) Anne Marie Richardson (left) presented Retail Associate Christina Turner (right) with a Gold Star Award for earning a perfect score on a Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transaction.

Officer In Charge (OIC) Anne Marie Richardson (right) presented Retail Associate Tiffany Lane (left) with a Gold Award for earning a perfect score on a Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transaction.

Officer In Charge (OIC) Anne Marie Richardson (left) presented Custodian Steve Johnson (right) with a Perfect Attendance Certificate and thanked him for all he does to contribute to Arcadia’s success with Retail Customer Experience (RCE) transactions.

Arcadia showed appreciation of the employees with a breakfast of pastries, bagels and cream cheese, and orange juice (above).

Thank you Dottie, Christina, Tiffany, and Steve for your dedication to customer service!