Bay Pines Postmaster Rita Hopkins (right), received her
retirement certificate from Manager, Post Office Operations (MPOO) Area 9,
Phillip Fleener (left). Rita began her career as an LSM operator in the St.
Pete Plant in 1984 and worked in St. Pete in statistical programs as an
administrative clerk. Rita was promoted to the district office as a Customer
Service Analyst in 2006 where she worked as the Function 4 coordinator for 10
years. She has also served in a detail to Labor Relations, held three Officer
In Charge (OIC) assignments, and was a budget analyst. Rita was promoted to
Postmaster of Bay Pines in 2016. “Rita has honorably served the United States
Postal Service for 35 years, her knowledge and ability will be greatly missed”,
commented Fleener.
Thank you for your years of service. Happy Retirement Rita!