Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lakeland Southside Receives Customer Praise

There is nothing better than a compliment from a customer. Recently a customer wrote:
The Post Office for South Lakeland, S. Florida Ave., Lakeland, Florida, in my opinion, has done an outstanding job processing my packages. They make me look good on eBay because my mail gets there on time.
Lakeland Southside Station Manager, Customer Services Sprague Baerhold (not pictured) credits the skill and expertise of his window clerks and letter carriers for any favorable comments.
Pictured (above) Retail Associate Karen Jefferson (left) assists a customer with a Priority mailing.

“The clerks are knowledgeable. They know what they’re doing. They are able to answer questions and very seldom is anyone called to the front to answer a retail question,” says Baerhold. “Sometimes I’ll stand back, out of view, and listen to the clerk’s interactions. They are very professional, do a very good job, and show genuine concern by asking questions to find out what the customer need is. They never assume what the customer wants. That’s something we’ve pushed for years.”
Southside Station Retail Associate Cindy Jones (above, center) assists in mailing a customers package.

“On Mondays and after the holidays, there are just so many parcels coming across the counter,” says Retail Associate Paul Kauschinger, a 14-year postal veteran. “The hardest part is you’ve got to keep track of every single one that comes across, make sure it gets a scanned acceptance. Then it has to be sorted correctly and gotten out usually ahead of schedule. Since we have three or four trucks leaving in the afternoons, we try to get as much as we can out as early as possible. “
Retail Associate Wayne McDonald (above, left) completes a transaction for a customer.
Great job!  Thank you all for providing great customer service.