Thursday, September 24, 2020

Chris the Hero Mailman

While out making deliveries, Edgewater City Carrier Assistant (CCA) Chris Hill came upon an elderly customer who had fallen. Hill assisted the customer and remained with her until paramedics arrived. Soon after the incident, Edgewater Postmaster Roberta Stevens-Simmons received a letter from the customer’s family expressing their gratitude for what Hill has done:  

Postmaster Roberta,

On Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020, our mother fell outside of her home on a very hot Florida day and hit her head. While we do not know the details of the fall, we do know that your employee, Chris Hill, was the postal employee assigned to deliver her mail that day. We thank God that he was.

Per witnesses, Mr. Hill stopped what he was doing, despite the demands of the job to get the mail delivered as quickly as possible, to help our mother back on her feet and into the house. Our mother was very confused and unable to help herself or understand what was happening. An ambulance was called, and she was taken to the hospital, where she was admitted to the intensive care unit for treatment that probably saved her life. 

We cannot begin to express our gratitude to Mr. Hill for stopping and assisting her to safety. We don’t know, nor do we want to think about what could have happened to her. We do know that we have out mom today, in part, due to the unselfish actions of Mr. Hill. 

We hope that you understand the caliber of person you have working for you and recognize him for the hero we believe him to be. 

To Mr. Hill, we do not believe luck, we believe in God. He placed you exactly where you needed to be. If you woke up that day thinking that your purpose was to drive in the heat and deliver mail, you were wrong. God set you on the path this day to be a part in saving the life of our mother. 

We sincerely thank you for everything that you did for her and us. Our mere words cannot express our deep appreciation. We thank God for sending her an angel at the perfect time. 

We will never forget what you have done. 

God bless,

Bruce, Rena, Harold, Jan, Laura, Trapper, Chris, Rhoda and Uncle Butch, along with the entire family 

Hill has been an acting Supervisor, Customer Service (SCS), is pastor of a local church and is very involved in his community. “We are very proud of him and his outstanding efforts this day,” said Stevens-Simmons. 

Thank you for your heroic actions, Chris!