Saturday, January 2, 2021

Postal Retiree Reunion


During peak season, USPS hires annuitants to help by resuming their former positions. This year Fernando Aguilar and Arnaldo Perez both signed up to help during the holidays. Little did the men know they were in for a reunion. 

Mid Florida P&DC Plant Manager Tracy Murray, responsible for hiring both Aguilar and Perez at her facility, worked with both men at different times during her career. "Arnaldo and I worked together as postmasters," says Murray. "I worked with Fernando since the early 90s. He trained me as a 204B. One of my very first promotions in management was as a Tour 1 SDO right here. Fernando was Tour 3 MDO at the time.

"I happened to see the two of them together on the floor. While I was walking with a supervisor ...I was told they had worked together in Puerto Rico in the early 80s. I'm sure neither of them ever thought that this moment would happen. It's a small world."

Aguilar, who retired in 2017 after 46 years of service, returned for his third consecutive year as a supervisor at the Mid Florida P&DC. "I come back because of the comradery," he says. "I miss the people, and I meet new people every Christmas. It's exciting to come back for a month. I really enjoy myself. "

Aguilar began his career in Queens, New York, as a mail handler. He also worked as a clerk and supervisor in Puerto Rico and finished his career as an MDO in Florida. 

Perez also had a long and fulfilling 49-year career working in customer service and as a contractor. "This has become my second home," Perez laughs. "The work comes naturally to me… it's part of my life." 

Perez started his career in New York as a letter carrier. He worked as a clerk and for the Postal Police before transferring to Puerto Rico. He worked himself up to become a Postmaster before transferring to Florida. This was his first time working in a plant, though. "During my postal career, I worked on the customer service side. 

"The holidays get really hectic. There's a lot of work," says Perez. "Our main goal is to get the mail out and to our customers as soon as possible. I hope to be back again next year." 

"It was unbelievable seeing Fernando again," says Perez. "Although I was in customer service and he was in the plant, we both grew together in management. Then he decided to transfer to Florida, and I moved to Florida as well. We always had a good relationship, so it's great to be working together again." 

"I was stunned and surprised at the same time the first time I saw Arnaldo," says Aguilar. "It's been 40 years since we've seen one another. It was like an old-time reunion for us!"

USPS retirees Arnaldo Perez (left) and Fernando Aguilar greet one another with a fist pump on the workroom floor at the Mid Florida P&DC. The two men, who worked together over 40 years ago in Puerto Rico, were back as supervisors during peak season.

Happy New Year to all!