Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pitching for Business

From left, Melbourne Postmaster Dean Moseley, Customer Relations Coordinator Michael Prather, Supervisor of Business Mail Entry Shelley Sally, Debra Landen of Pitney Bowes Global eCommerce, Bulk Mail Tech Allen Cook and Orlando Postmaster Diane Tindle. 

On July 14, members of the Central Florida Postal Customer Council (PCC) gathered in Melbourne, FL, to learn about USPS Connect -- a set of four delivery solutions that leverages ongoing network improvements, new equipment, new pricing and enhanced operational precision to meet evolving business needs.

Business Development Lead Specialist Stacy Watkins led the one-hour seminar to explain how postal customers can save money on their local shipping needs. She also provided informational packets to industry members who attended. 

Orlando Postmaster Diane Tindle (left) and Business Development Lead Specialist Stacy Watkins.