Thursday, November 3, 2022

Pie challenge for a good cause


New Port Richey Manager, Customer Services Bill Sutchek (left) had the honor of pieing the face of MPOO Chris Frisco (center) while Business Lead Development Specialist Stacy Watkins looked on.

When a pair of Business Lead Development (BLD) Specialists put their heads together, it's anyone's guess what could happen as was the case recently in Florida 2 District. 

During Business Connect Month, BLD Specialists Stacy Watkins and Tina Good held a Pie in the Face Challenge to encourage EAS employees to be more active with logging in their Business Connect activities. The top performing offices would have the opportunity to put a pie in the face of a member of the Business Development Team. 

To improve participation, MPOOs also got on board which meant they, too, could potentially get pied in the face. 

"The increased participation percentages were stellar for the month of August," said Watkins. "We went from 50 to 92 percent."

The winning offices were New Port Richey Trinity Carrier Annex with 122 activities logged and 57th Avenue in Bradenton with 383 activities.

The not-so-lucky trio consisted of MPOOs Phil Fleener and Chris Frisco, and Watkins, all of whom got pied for a good cause. 

Congrats Stacy and Tina on such a successful event!

Good sports MPOO Phil Fleener (left) and Business Lead Development Specialist Stacy Watkins show off a face full of whipped cream.