Sunday, April 23, 2017

Painting Mailboxes

Melbourne Postmaster Diane Tindle (front row, third right) and members of the Melbourne Leadership Team got together after hours for a unique team building painting experience.  The finished product is a painting featuring an assortment of mailboxes (above).

Front Row (left to right):  Retired Manager Customer Services (MCS) Debra Thompson, MCS Palm Bay Karen Dykes, MCS West Melbourne Gia DeLeo, Postmaster Melbourne/OIC Jacksonville Diane Tindle, Supervisor Customers Services (SCS) Palm Bay West Carmen Robinson and Christine Roberts, wife of MCS Eau Gallie Brian Roberts.  Back Row (left to right):  SCS Suntree Kim Allen-Canada, MCS Melbourne Beach Kim Ledford, Business Development Specialist Courtenay McDonald, A/SCS Britney Hogue, Administrative Assistant Vale King, SCS West Melbourne Venis Grinnell-Johnson and Postmaster Cocoa Beach-Debbie Mostafavi.