Orlando Gore Manager, Customer Services (MCS) Armando Lozano (right) and Letter Carrier Eulogio Soto, Jr. (center) were presented with the Postmaster General (PMG) Hero Commendation Award by District Manager (DM) Eric Chavez (left). Manager, Customer Service Operations Rory Sullivan (back center) looked on during the presentation.
MCS Lozano (second right) and
Letter Carrier Soto (center) assisted Letter Carrier Carlos Ramos (second left)
when he became disoriented in the office. Ramos insisted on carrying his route.
Lozano and Soto recognized the signs of a possible heart attack or stroke,
called 911 and administered aid until the paramedics arrived. The Emergency
Room Attending Physician stated that if hospital care had not been received
within the next 30 minutes, Carlos Ramos could
have died.
Thank you for looking out for
your fellow employees, Armando and Eulogio!