Sunday, April 21, 2019

Dog Bite Prevention Week

Tampa Interbay Station invited National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch #599 President Tony Diaz (above) and Tampa Manager Customer Service Operations (MCSO) Tim Dose (not pictured) to speak during “Dog Bite Prevention Week.”  Both speakers provided tips on how to avoid being bitten and shared dog interference experiences that occurred when they were both Letter Carriers.  Diaz provided a demonstration on the importance of using a satchel as the tool to avoid a dog bite.  “One dog bite is one too many,” stated Dose.
Tampa Interbay Letter Carrier Clement Cheung (left) and Manager, Customer Services Robert Archambault (right) were on hand at a satchel and dog spray station to ensure employees’ satchels were in good shape.  They constructed satchels for Letter Carriers who needed new ones and made sure all employees had current and working dog spray. 

Tampa Interbay Letter Carriers pictured left to right: Scott Ekelund, Lauren Torres, Maverick Franklin and Ignacio Mora. “Satchels and dog spray are tools of the trade. Both of these will assist me in avoiding a dog interference on my route” stated Ekelund.